Patient speaks of the personable nature of Dr. Miles and how he made her feel comfortable during her treatment. Dr. Miles held a detailed discussion with her with regard to the procedure she opted for. According to her the results of the surgery have been very satisfying and now she feels great about herself and her body. She vouches for personalized care she received at Dr. Miles clinic. She recommends him strongly not only to her friends and family but everyone else seeking cosmetic treatment in Charlotte.
Dr. Miles is very personable. He made me feel very comfortable. Every visit, like the pre-op visits that I had with him was really good umm he always took his time he was very talkative but in a good way because he always answered the questions that I had and made sure that I felt comfortable with the procedure and with what we were gonna do. When I get ready to go somewhere to, off with my husband or we go you know we go out to dinner or if I’m going to a party or we go on vacation um it definitely I feel a lot better about myself. Dr. Miles is you know is really down to earth and makes you feel like umm more than a patient. He really does make you feel like you’re part of the family. You can call you know anytime, if office is closed you can call you know his cell phone and he is always there to answer questions. I think he is excellent umm I would not recommend anyone else. Umm, you know I am open as far with my friends about you know things that I’ve done in my family. So anytime they ever say I don’t like this that I always tell them or you should you know there’s a solution for that so you can go see Dr. Miles and he’ll be really and I always tell them you know I’ll go with you. He’s great. I wouldn’t go anywhere else. Like I said I’ve been to another doctor and my mom actually has to. She went to few others. She actually has a few other consultations before she had anything done as well. And I just would never; I would never go anywhere else at all. I would recommend him more than anyone ever.