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Surgery Center

Patient safety is Dr. Miles’ highest priority. With this in mind, we have built a state-of-the-art surgery center. Our surgery center was designed from its inception to be a dedicated surgery facility, and is not simply an existing office space that has been converted to accommodate surgery patients. Our facility allows patients to undergo their cosmetic procedures in a clean and private setting, while offering the same standards of safety and emergency preparedness as they would receive in any hospital setting.

Our office is located adjacent to Novant Hospital in Huntersville, where Dr. Miles has full admitting and surgical privileges. Dr. Miles uses only board certified physician anesthesiologists for his office based surgical procedures, thereby providing an extra level of safety and comfort for our patients. Our team of experienced nurses and certified surgical technologists maintain the highest level of credentialing and continuing education in their respective areas of expertise. Our staff has Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), and Basic Life Support (CPR/BLS) training. Our clinical staff is focused on providing the highest level of care, from the time a patient checks in for surgery, to the time they are discharged home.

When you choose to undergo a cosmetic surgical procedure, you are choosing more than just your surgeon. You are also choosing the anesthesiologist, ancillary perioperative staff, and the surgical facility where your procedure will take place. We are proud to consistently provide patients with exceptional care in every area. Our attention to detail leads to fewer complications, a lower infection rate, and a better overall surgical experience for patients.

AAAASF Surgery CenterOur operating room facility has completed a rigorous inspection process, and has received full accreditation from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). For a facility to receive accreditation by AAASF, it must meet stringent criteria. Every aspect of the facility is evaluated, including staff qualifications, safety protocols, sterilization procedures, equipment maintenance, and clinical documentation. Credentialing requirements are comparable to those required by hospitals. The staff must also demonstrate that they are fully prepared to respond to any emergencies or unexpected events that may arise. Accreditation is not mandatory. The vast majority of privately owned ambulatory surgery facilities are unaccredited, operating independently of any inspection process. Here at North Charlotte Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, we have elected to voluntarily undergo the rigorous credentialing process because we feel that it will improve quality and patient safety in all areas. The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) was established in 1980 to standardize and improve the quality of medical and surgical care in outpatient facilities and assure the public that patient safety is top priority in an accredited facility. AAAASF is one of the largest not-for-profit accrediting organizations in the United States. Surgeons, legislators, state and national health agencies and patients acknowledge that AAAASF sets the “gold standard” for quality patient care.

AAAASF accreditation also mandates that certified facilities go through regular audits and inspections to verify that the safest standards and practices are being maintained. Surgeons must also undergo peer evaluations, where random surgical cases are reviewed to ensure that the highest standards are being met. This oversight provides patients with additional confidence that every consideration has been taken to assure a safe and successful surgery.

For more information on AAAASF certification, please visit